Shame that the writer considers an actor more important than the nation!!!

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Very interesting article.

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There is nothing muslim about SRK and his son. Please stop creating this narrative....

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In this platform I will be replying to some comments and at a later stage will set up conversations with readers and viewers

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They’re blatantly harassing Shahrukh Khan for not giving in to their agenda.

Postponing the hearing for 5 days, and therefore stopping him from appealing to Bombay High Court; Attorney General appearing late for the hearing — the way they’re going after Aryan it’s obvious that SRK has been under immense pressure in the last few years. This attack is to dehumanise Aryan, break his spirit and ruin his life and future career!

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Hate has engulfed India. Sad, From UP to Kashmir. The vitriol has to go if India has to survive. Ordinary citizens fall prey to the overarching communal stand taken by politicians and the agencies they control. May peace be the dominant religion in India

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I think both side have their failures to account for! The ridge of public opinion on every second matter is what hyping this even more. Many other actors and their families were being convicted for drugs consumption before so sketching this case in the communal lines of politics is wrong.

The ideal society would be when we trust the trials and don't insert nationalism on every second event which is important for the executive machinery to work efficiently and rationally rather than on sentimental pov(that is what the govt should ensure).

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If India was so secular during Cingress era ,why had Yusuf Khan had to change his name to Dilip Kumar. All 3 Khans are superstar because all Indians have made them irrespective of their religious beliefs.

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A wonderful well written article and as far as I go, very effectively opened the window to show India it's secular pillars and also revealed the insidious bigots who try to tear apart our fabric of brotherhood. Damn the bigots of every religion - we are Indians and will always stand together regardless of religion, caste or creed. Crime based on bigotry will be dealt with by an iron hand! This is the ethos of United India

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Perhaps it is obvious but I fail to see the connection between the arrest of Aryan Khan and his buddies and harassment of SRK. Was Sanjay Dutt arrested and convicted to specifically to harass Sunil Dutt/Nargis? There can be a case made out based on SSR and his girlfriend that the Indian media runs after bollywood type sensation and the drug investigation agencies are incompetent, their cases and media trials finally amounting to nothing. There is a great demand in public to harass all of bollywood in general and enjoy their downfall as kind of a macabre spectator sport. However I don't think you have made a credible connection that this amounts to harassing SRK because the current regime wants to persecute muslim stars. That seems like a huge leap and you don't have evidence to back that charge up. Aryan/SRK will come out of this just fine and this episode will likely propel their careers forward. So stop feeling sorry for superstars who have a lot of leverage and money. Move on to provide coverage to more worthy sufferers irrespective of religion who don't have voice and leverage.

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Try criticizing the Judge, by name, for denying bail. After all you know more than the Judge.

Stop this pro muslim agenda in India. We are not following Sharia like 57 Islamic countries.

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The very first paragraph is repulsive where you play the Muslim card. If we have to believe you don't forget that it's our money, our love that made him a superstar. And yes we know from the beginning that he is a KHAN. We know to love a KHAN and make him filthy rich so that he can raise his son to a druggie!! You miss Muslim Saba, can you Muslims ever do that for a Hindu? Bull shit

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The author in her article “shahrukh-and-son” is trying to justify substance abuse of a person caught red handed. There are laws against drug usage, possession & trade. It is unfortunate for any youngster to get entrapped in addictive substance abuse. However the law applies for all (star & VIP children included) & belonging to a minority has no special provisions.

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Playing victim because he is the most popular Muslim father’s son in secular India?

Pity those who think they can do anything in the name religion …. All thanks to these defenders and such articles and so called ‘secular’ writers! Shameless and spineless.

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The more and more of these things reminds bollywood to show who is the boss that will set the cultural agenda. I anyone dare challenging BJP/RSS then be ready to face the consequences

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Good article.

You just wrote about the surface of the scene. There is a lot of conspiracy indepth I think. Hate, intolerance was raised somuch after they came to power. If they come 3time, then the scene will be more cruel.

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